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Monday, October 8, 2012

Up, Over, Down and Roosters

OK. Up through Canada, over arctic ice, down over Russia and China -- in the skies -- and descent into Hanoi. Then sleepy travelers obtained visas, met Hui, our tour guide, and headed for our wonderful hotel located on West Lake, a little way from downtown Hanoi. We know our Vietnamese tour guide will be a lot of fun: he fully expects he will learn our names (there are 25 of us on our odyssey) but right now we all look alike to him :) Fresh, wonderful beds awaited us at midnight. Morning came early with roosters echoing over West Lake; lots of cyclists on the roads at dawn.


  1. So glad to here you are on the ground and running! Get some good sleep, and we are excited to hear about your adventures.

  2. What a journey! Toby was excited to see you traveled over Arctic ice ("where the penguins live!"), and now you are upside down! Watch out for your dinner, as it might fall through the roof--if, for some reason, there is no gravity. (It all makes sense if you are 4).

    Enjoy a full night's sleep!
    Lisa & Toby
