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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Farming village

 This morning (Saturday 10/13) Huy took us to a small farming village south of DaNang.  He varies the village with each group so the village does not become just one more tourist destination, learning the financial gain to be had by selling lacquerware!

(Aside:  when in the 1990s Huy first saw the historic town of Hoi An -- a 16-17th century trading center south of DaNang, discovered and eventually protected by a Polish archeologist-- he said he was deeply moved by the rich multi-cultural history in its architecture, layout and generations of families.  Something has been lost as it has catered more and more to tourists, even though protected as a national heritage site.). But back to this farming community.


We entered by way of a day care center, tucked under a leafy canopy and full of 3-4 year olds who came out giggling and waving, then lined up and sang Frere Jacques in Vietnamese.  (The legacy of French colonialism is still apparent everywhere.)  Beyond the shady cluster of small buildings lay the fields, a tidy mosaic of long narrow bands of herbs--basil, mint, lemon grass I presume or perhaps shallots, and a staple called morning glory-- with modest but well-tended homes around the perimeter.  Groves of cumquats with small green fruits and the occasional white flower punctuated an otherwise flat palette.


In the middle of the gardens stood this family grave (the red raised casket-shaped structure) -- not unusual.  We saw many graves amid the rice paddies outside HaNoi, placed by fortune tellers who advise families exactly where and in what alignment will be the most auspicious location for these ancestral graves.

Spread out on the poured concrete patio in front of this home was rice drying in the sun.

Huy is showing us the cumquats (above) and the morning glory (below) which is a staple in Vietnamese salads and stir fries.


Outside the perimeter of housing, water.  I wondered if the land in the middle had been built up for housing and agriculture by dredging out these rice paddies somewhat, or whether the river just splits around slightly higher elevation.  Probably a difference of less than a foot, but there are larger berms of soil built up between the wet areas and the homes.  Of course, the ubiquitous water buffalo was not far away.

Moon Legends

We know how frequently similar themes appear in the folklore of different cultures -- creation stories, animals with special talents, husband and wife fables. Just as I was leaving my room for supper, a young woman from the hotel presented me (as a "sleep well" gift) two pieces of sesame candy and a paper scroll tied with a red ribbon containing the story "Cuoi, the Boy on the Moon." Cuoi, collecting firewood in the forest, notices the healing power of banyan trees and uproots one to carry home with him. He asks his mother to care for it but when she throws dirty water on its roots it begins to uproot itself. Cuoi grabs on to its roots and is lifted up to the moon, which becomes his new home. Vietnamese children think that on certain nights they can see Cuoi sitting beneath his banyan tree in the curve of the moon.

I grew up looking for the man in the moon, that shadowy face smiling or frowning down on us. Japanese children see the rabbit in the moon. And there is more than one version of Cuoi's story, as shown here!

All In a Day

Hello, blog readers! Many of our postings are thematic, focusing on a topic or happening that especially hits us. Each day is so rich and full, but I thought a simple rundown of a single day (without great detail or fascinating facts) might give you an idea of the pace and texture of our travels. So here is Sunday, Day 8:
  • Up at 5 am to pack suitcase for our late morning bus trip to Hue
  • Walk on the beach until 6:30 am
  • Half an hour in the business center downloading pictures to our blog from my camera
  • Breakfast in the Indochine Cafe at 7:15 am
  • Up to the room at 7:45 to place suitcases outside the door for loading onto the bus
  • Gather in the hotel lobby at 8:15 to board bus for trip to the Cham Museum in Danang
  • Orientation talk on the bus, by guide Huy, regarding the Champa culture
  • Tour the museum (about four rooms of archival photos and sculptures) until about 10 am
  • Board the bus for our two and a half hour trip up Route 1 (the backbone of Vietnam) north to Hue City, with mountains on the west and the ocean to the east
  • Rest stop featuring Oriental-style toilets and a lovely view
  • Arrive at the Saigon Morin Hotel (French colonial style) where we were welcomed with cool glasses of watermelon juice
  • Quick face wash before walking to the Mandarin Cafe for lunch
  • Back to the hotel for a cyclo ride over the Perfume River and through residential neighborhoods and shopping districts to the Citadel and Imperial City
  • Orientation by our guide Huy to the Imperial City and characteristics of Vietnam's thirteen dynasties
  • Tour the extensive site, designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, on foot
  • Board the bus back to our hotel to wash for supper
  • Meet in the lobby at 6:15 pm to travel in a cozy bus that can fit through the narrow stone gate of the Citadel
  • Enjoy a meal together at a restaurant featuring local food and traditional music
  • To bed early, anticipating meeting for a walk through the French Market at 6:30 am tomorrow
Remember: this description lacks the fascinating facts, beautiful visuals, great conversations and tastes that comprise our days.