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Thursday, October 11, 2012

One Hundred Ways to Lose Your Passport

From Marianne:

On the bus to the Hanoi Airport, Huy asked, "Does everyone have his passport? Can you touch it?"

Then he told us the following story.

"For a while I thought I would write a book about '100 Ways to Lose Your Passport.' But then one day, on a boat trip in HaLong Bay, something happened that made me change my mind about writing that book.

"A tour member, who was a very careful man, went for a swim. He had put his passport and his airline ticket in his pocket enclosed in a plastic bag. When he finished his swim, he realized what he had done. His passport and ticket were drenched.

Thinking of how he could dry them out, he went back into the kitchen on the boat, put both items into the microwave and turned on the microwave. Both items immediately burned up."

Huy then said that for three minutes he (Huy) was unable to say a word. The ticket was able to be replaced. The passport replacement took three days.

After telling us this story, Huy then asked us to take out our passports so he could collect them.

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